Rozšíření výkladu entit v přehledu HTML. Níže vypsané entity se všechny zobrazují ve všech prohlížečích standardní instalace. Na jiných prohlížečích jich také většina funguje. V roce 2018 už je použitelných entit poněkud více, protože je novější prohlížeče dobře podporují.
Použití tabulky: vezměte hodnotu levého sloupečku, obalte ji znaky & a ; a vložte do html kódu. Např. zápis © udělá značku copyrightu, entita je nedělitelná mezera.
&zápis; | vzhled | Český název entity | Anglický název entity | decimální kód |
nbsp | nedělitelná mezera | non-breaking space | 160 | |
iexcl | ¡ | obrácený vykřičník | inverted exclamation mark | 161 |
cent | ¢ | cent | cent sign | 162 |
pound | £ | libra | pound sign | 163 |
curren | ¤ | znak měny | currency sign | 164 |
yen | ¥ | yen | yen sign (yuan sign) | 165 |
brvbar | ¦ | přerušený proužek | broken bar (broken vertical bar) | 166 |
sect | § | paragraf | section sign | 167 |
uml | ¨ | diaeresis (spacing diaeresis) | 168 | |
copy | © | copyright | copyright sign | 169 |
ordf | ª | feminine ordinal indicator | 170 | |
laquo | « | francouzské uvozovky | left-pointing double angle quotation mark | 171 |
not | ¬ | logické not | not sign | 172 |
shy | | rozdělovník = spojovník | soft hyphen (discretionary hyphen) | 173 |
reg | ® | registrovaná značka | registered sign (registered trade mark sign) | 174 |
macr | ¯ | macron (spacing macron, overline APL overbar) | 175 | |
deg | ° | stupeň | degree sign | 176 |
plusmn | ± | plus mínus | plus-minus sign (plus-or-minus sign) | 177 |
sup2 | ² | na druhou | superscript two (superscript digit two, squared) | 178 |
sup3 | ³ | na třetí | superscript three (superscript digit three, cubed) | 179 |
acute | ´ | dlouhé á | acute accent (spacing acute) | 180 |
micro | µ | mikro | micro sign | 181 |
para | ¶ | znak odstavce | pilcrow sign (paragraph sign) | 182 |
middot | · | středová tečka | middle dot (Georgian comma, Greek middle dot) | 183 |
cedil | ¸ | cedilla (spacing cedilla) | 184 | |
sup1 | ¹ | superscript one (superscript digit one) | 185 | |
ordm | º | masculine ordinal indicator | 186 | |
raquo | » | francouzské uvozovky | right-pointing double angle quotation mark (guillemet) | 187 |
frac14 | ¼ | čtvrtina | vulgar fraction one quarter | 188 |
frac12 | ½ | polovina | vulgar fraction one half | 189 |
frac34 | ¾ | tři čtvrtiny | vulgar fraction three quarters | 190 |
iquest | ¿ | obrácený otazník | inverted question mark (turned question mark) | 191 |
Agrave | À | Latin capital letter A with grave | 192 | |
Aacute | Á | Latin capital letter A with acute | 193 | |
Acirc | Â | Latin capital letter A with circumflex | 194 | |
Atilde | Ã | Latin capital letter A with tilde | 195 | |
Auml | Ä | Latin capital letter A with diaeresis | 196 | |
Aring | Å | Latin capital letter A with ring above | 197 | |
AElig | Æ | Latin capital letter AE (Latin capital ligature AE) | 198 | |
Ccedil | Ç | Latin capital letter C with cedilla | 199 | |
Egrave | È | Latin capital letter E with grave | 200 | |
Eacute | É | Latin capital letter E with acute | 201 | |
Ecirc | Ê | Latin capital letter E with circumflex | 202 | |
Euml | Ë | Latin capital letter E with diaeresis | 203 | |
Igrave | Ì | Latin capital letter I with grave | 204 | |
Iacute | Í | Latin capital letter I with acute | 205 | |
Icirc | Î | Latin capital letter I with circumflex | 206 | |
Iuml | Ï | Latin capital letter I with diaeresis | 207 | |
ETH | Ð | Latin capital letter ETH | 208 | |
Ntilde | Ñ | Latin capital letter N with tilde | 209 | |
Ograve | Ò | Latin capital letter O with grave | 210 | |
Oacute | Ó | Latin capital letter O with acute | 211 | |
Ocirc | Ô | Latin capital letter O with circumflex | 212 | |
Otilde | Õ | Latin capital letter O with tilde | 213 | |
Ouml | Ö | Latin capital letter O with diaeresis | 214 | |
times | × | krát | multiplication sign | 215 |
Oslash | Ø | Latin capital letter O with stroke | 216 | |
Ugrave | Ù | Latin capital letter U with grave | 217 | |
Uacute | Ú | Latin capital letter U with acute | 218 | |
Ucirc | Û | Latin capital letter U with circumflex | 219 | |
Uuml | Ü | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis | 220 | |
Yacute | Ý | Latin capital letter Y with acute | 221 | |
THORN | Þ | Latin capital letter THORN | 222 | |
szlig | ß | Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed) | 223 | |
agrave | à | Latin small letter a with grave | 224 | |
aacute | á | Latin small letter a with acute | 225 | |
acirc | â | Latin small letter a with circumflex | 226 | |
atilde | ã | Latin small letter a with tilde | 227 | |
auml | ä | Latin small letter a with diaeresis | 228 | |
aring | å | Latin small letter a with ring above | 229 | |
aelig | æ | Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae) | 230 | |
ccedil | ç | Latin small letter c with cedilla | 231 | |
egrave | è | Latin small letter e with grave | 232 | |
eacute | é | Latin small letter e with acute | 233 | |
ecirc | ê | Latin small letter e with circumflex | 234 | |
euml | ë | Latin small letter e with diaeresis | 235 | |
igrave | ì | Latin small letter i with grave | 236 | |
iacute | í | Latin small letter i with acute | 237 | |
icirc | î | Latin small letter i with circumflex | 238 | |
iuml | ï | Latin small letter i with diaeresis | 239 | |
eth | ð | Latin small letter eth | 240 | |
ntilde | ñ | Latin small letter n with tilde | 241 | |
ograve | ò | Latin small letter o with grave | 242 | |
oacute | ó | Latin small letter o with acute | 243 | |
ocirc | ô | Latin small letter o with circumflex | 244 | |
otilde | õ | Latin small letter o with tilde | 245 | |
ouml | ö | Latin small letter o with diaeresis | 246 | |
divide | ÷ | děleno | division sign | 247 |
oslash | ø | Latin small letter o with stroke | 248 | |
ugrave | ù | Latin small letter u with grave | 249 | |
uacute | ú | Latin small letter u with acute | 250 | |
ucirc | û | Latin small letter u with circumflex | 251 | |
uuml | ü | Latin small letter u with diaeresis | 252 | |
yacute | ý | Latin small letter y with acute | 253 | |
thorn | þ | Latin small letter thorn with | 254 | |
yuml | ÿ | Latin small letter y with diaeresis | 255 | |
fnof | ƒ | italské ef | Latin small f with hook (function, florin) | 402 |
Alpha | Α | Greek capital letter alpha | 913 | |
Beta | Β | Greek capital letter beta | 914 | |
Gamma | Γ | Greek capital letter gamma | 915 | |
Delta | Δ | Greek capital letter delta | 916 | |
Epsilon | Ε | Greek capital letter epsilon | 917 | |
Zeta | Ζ | Greek capital letter zeta | 918 | |
Eta | Η | Greek capital letter eta | 919 | |
Theta | Θ | Greek capital letter theta | 920 | |
Iota | Ι | Greek capital letter iota | 921 | |
Kappa | Κ | Greek capital letter kappa | 922 | |
Lambda | Λ | Greek capital letter lambda | 923 | |
Mu | Μ | Greek capital letter mu | 924 | |
Nu | Ν | Greek capital letter nu | 925 | |
Xi | Ξ | Greek capital letter xi | 926 | |
Omicron | Ο | Greek capital letter omicron | 927 | |
Pi | Π | Greek capital letter pi | 928 | |
Rho | Ρ | Greek capital letter rho | 929 | |
Sigma | Σ | Greek capital letter sigma | 931 | |
Tau | Τ | Greek capital letter tau | 932 | |
Upsilon | Υ | Greek capital letter upsilon | 933 | |
Phi | Φ | Greek capital letter phi | 934 | |
Chi | Χ | Greek capital letter chi | 935 | |
Psi | Ψ | Greek capital letter psi | 936 | |
Omega | Ω | Greek capital letter omega | 937 | |
alpha | α | alfa | Greek small letter alpha | 945 |
beta | β | beta | Greek small letter beta | 946 |
gamma | γ | gama | Greek small letter gamma | 947 |
delta | δ | delta | Greek small letter delta | 948 |
epsilon | ε | Greek small letter epsilon | 949 | |
zeta | ζ | Greek small letter zeta | 950 | |
eta | η | Greek small letter eta | 951 | |
theta | θ | Greek small letter theta | 952 | |
iota | ι | Greek small letter iota | 953 | |
kappa | κ | Greek small letter kappa | 954 | |
lambda | λ | Greek small letter lambda | 955 | |
mu | μ | Greek small letter mu | 956 | |
nu | ν | Greek small letter nu | 957 | |
xi | ξ | Greek small letter xi | 958 | |
omicron | ο | Greek small letter omicron | 959 | |
pi | π | pí | Greek small letter pi | 960 |
rho | ρ | Greek small letter rho | 961 | |
sigmaf | ς | Greek small letter final sigma | 962 | |
sigma | σ | Greek small letter sigma | 963 | |
tau | τ | Greek small letter tau | 964 | |
upsilon | υ | Greek small letter upsilon | 965 | |
phi | φ | Greek small letter phi | 966 | |
chi | χ | Greek small letter chi | 967 | |
psi | ψ | Greek small letter psi | 968 | |
omega | ω | Greek small letter omega | 969 | |
bull | • | puntík | bullet (black small circle) | 8226 |
hellip | … | tři tečky | horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader) | 8230 |
prime | ′ | minuta, stopa | prime (minutes, feet) | 8242 |
Prime | ″ | vteřina, palec | double prime (seconds, inches) | 8243 |
oline | ‾ | nadtržítko | overline (spacing overscore) | 8254 |
frasl | ⁄ | šikmé lomítko | fraction slash | 8260 |
trade | ™ | obchodní značka | trade mark sign | 8482 |
larr | ← | šipka vlevo | leftwards arrow | 8592 |
uarr | ↑ | šipka nahoru | upwards arrow | 8593 |
rarr | → | šipka doprava | rightwards arrow | 8594 |
darr | ↓ | šipka dolů | downwards arrow | 8595 |
harr | ↔ | pravo-levá šipka | left right arrow | 8596 |
part | ∂ | parciální derivace | partial differential | 8706 |
prod | ∏ | celkový součin | n-ary product (product sign) | 8719 |
sum | ∑ | celkový součet | n-ary summation | 8721 |
minus | − | mínus | minus sign | 8722 |
radic | √ | odmocnina | square root (radical sign) | 8730 |
infin | ∞ | nekonečno | infinity | 8734 |
cap | ∩ | průnik | intersection (cap) | 8745 |
int | ∫ | integrál | integral | 8747 |
asymp | ≈ | anglické téměř rovno | almost equal to (asymptotic to) | 8776 |
ne | ≠ | nerovnost | not equal to | 8800 |
equiv | ≡ | identita | identical to | 8801 |
le | ≤ | menší nebo rovno | less-than or equal to | 8804 |
ge | ≥ | větší nebo rovno | greater-than or equal to | 8805 |
loz | ◊ | kosočtverec | lozenge | 9674 |
spades | ♠ | piky | black spade suit | 9824 |
clubs | ♣ | kříže | black club suit (shamrock) | 9827 |
hearts | ♥ | srdce | black heart suit (valentine) | 9829 |
diams | ♦ | kára | black diamond suit | 9830 |
quot | " | rovné uvozovky | quotation mark (APL quote) | 34 |
amp | & | et | ampersand | 38 |
lt | < | menší | less-than sign | 60 |
gt | > | větší | greater-than sign | 62 |
OElig | Œ | Latin capital ligature OE | 338 | |
oelig | œ | Latin small ligature oe | 339 | |
Scaron | Š | Latin capital letter S with caron | 352 | |
scaron | š | Latin small letter s with caron | 353 | |
Yuml | Ÿ | Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis | 376 | |
circ | ˆ | programátorská mocnina | modifier letter circumflex accent | 710 |
tilde | ˜ | vlnka, tilda | small tilde | 732 |
zwnj | | bezrozměrné svislice | zero width non-joiner | 8204 |
zwj | | bezrozměrné dělítko | zero width joiner | 8205 |
lrm | | zleva do prava (typ.) | left-to-right mark | 8206 |
rlm | | zprava doleva (typ.) | right-to-left mark | 8207 |
ndash | – | menší pomlčka | en dash | 8211 |
mdash | — | pomlčka | em dash | 8212 |
lsquo | ‘ | left single quotation mark | 8216 | |
rsquo | ’ | right single quotation mark | 8217 | |
sbquo | ‚ | single low-9 quotation mark | 8218 | |
ldquo | “ | levé horní uvozovky | left double quotation mark | 8220 |
rdquo | ” | horní pravé uvozovky | right double quotation mark | 8221 |
bdquo | „ | levé dolní uvozovky | double low-9 quotation mark | 8222 |
dagger | † | křížek | dagger | 8224 |
Dagger | ‡ | dvojkřížek | double dagger | 8225 |
permil | ‰ | promile | per mille sign | 8240 |
lsaquo | ‹ | single left-pointing angle quotation mark | 8249 | |
rsaquo | › | single right-pointing angle quotation mark | 8250 | |
euro | € | euro | euro sign | 8364 |
Občas udávaná entita ' pro apostrof v Exploreru nefungovala a musí se zadávat jako '.
Navíc existují ještě entity zapisované číslicemi.
ě | ě |
Ě | Ě |
š | š |
č | č |
ř | ř |
ž | ž |
ď | ď |
ť | ť |
ň | ň |
Když potřebuju entitu zapsat do hodnoty vlastnosti content (používá se u selektorů :after a :before), musím ji zapsat čtyřznakovým hexadecimálním zápisem za zpětné lomítko. Například nedělitelná mezerá , která má desítkový kód 160, takže šestnáctkový zápis je a0. Protože potřebuju čtyři znaky, aby to bylo pochopeno jako entita, vkládá se zápisem \00a0.
Příklad připsání Kč pomocí content za konec obsahu buňky:
td:after { content: "\00a0Kč";}
Aktualizováno 5. března 2018
Jak psát web píše Yuhů, Dušan Janovský. Kontakt.